
Mattress Types

Mattresses are designed to provide the support and comfort you need to relax and rest. If you’ve had your mattress for a while, it may be time to buy a new one. Research shows that people sleep better and suffer less back pain when sleeping on a newer bed. Matching your specific comfort needs is important when choosing the right mattress because mattresses are made with a variety of materials and technologies that meet a broad array of people’s needs, tastes and budgets.


According to consumer reports, mattresses should be evaluated every seven to ten years for quality and support. There are many options to choose from if you haven’t shopped for a new mattress recently:

– Innerspring Mattress – Uses a steel coil system. The greater number of coils, the more points of support and greater distribution, and the bed can better contour and support the sleeper.

– Foam Mattress – Uses one or more types of foam for support. The foam used in these mattresses can be manufactured in a variety of shapes and densities.

– Hybrid Mattress – Combines steel coil support and one or more types of foam.

– Pillow Top Mattress – Provides an additional upholstery layer sewn into the top of the mattress. This layer can be made from a variety of fiber and foam materials.

– Gel Mattress – Uses a type of foam that contains gel in the product’s support system, upholstery layers, or both.

– Memory Foam Mattress – Uses high density polyurethane foam as the support system, in the upholstery layer, or both.

Often times people tend to repurchase the same type of mattress they had before out of fear of making a costly mistake or because they are unsure of their options. Researching products takes time, something many of us have little of to spare, but it is important to consider all your options so you are better equipped to cut through the hype and choose a bed that meets your needs.

by admin May 19, 2014