
Sleep Essentials From A-Zzz (Part 1)

These tips and facts can help you create better sleep habits to increase productivity, energy, and increase the quality of your daily routines. With a few adjustments here and there, you will be on your way to a wonderful nights slumber in no time!


A– Avoid caffeine and sugar before bed. They act as a stimulant and can prevent or disrupt sleep. Caffeine cannot replace sleep, but it can temporarily make you feel alert.

B– Ban yourself from anything that will stimulate your brain including computers, work, texting, email, and TV to avoid inviting sleep deprivation.

C– Curfew setting should be a priority to help you regulate a natural sleep cycle, and achieve quality sleep.

D– Sleep Deprivation is extremely harmful to your well-being and can take a toll on your immune system. It is important to maintain a routine sleep schedule to avoid this.

E– Energy throughout the day is vital when it comes to productivity. Creating healthy sleep habits that reassure a quality night’s sleep, will provide you with more than enough energy… you may be able to say goodbye to the coffee pot.

F– Falling asleep can be a task when life’s stresses and anxieties kick in. Create a soothing routine, take a bath, read a book, pray or meditate to help encourage rest.

G– Get the most out of your bedroom space by de-cluttering and organizing your slumber-space. Make sure your furniture is the appropriate size for your space. The last thing you want is a crowded cave.

H– Healthy living starts by keeping up with sleep. Sleep deprivation affects your immune system and overall well-being.

I- Invest in a comfortable mattress that will protect your well-being and contribute to a wonderful nights sleep.

J– Jeopardizing a good nights sleep can be detrimental to your health. Creating inconsistent sleeping patterns will adjust your internal clock, making sleep less inviting which will spiral into a whirlwind of negative effects on your body.


Stay tuned for Part 2!

by admin October 25, 2013