Sleep Essentials From A-Zzz (Part 1)
These tips and facts can help you create better sleep habits to increase productivity, energy, and increase the quality of your daily routines. With a few adjustments here and there, you will be on your way to a wonderful nights slumber in no time! A– Avoid caffeine and sugar before bed. They act as […]
Get Your Bed Winter-Ready
W-i-n-t-e-r, now say it with me. Winter. Yes, the season is upon us for bone-chilling days. Though the penetrating frost may not stick around the whole duration, Houstonians are familiar with the fickle weather that just can’t seem to make up it’s mind. When the radiating heat subsides and the nights get longer, that’s your […]
Recharging Your Brain
You glance at the time just to find you are only half-way through your day and there are still workloads to be managed. As you take a deep breath and strategize your next move, whether it be to the coffee pot or the nearest vending machine, your eyes begin to feel heavy and your train […]
The Chemistry Behind Sleep
We all have had those tossing, turning, exhausting nights that last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. If you struggle with any type of sleep disorder you are fully aware of the negative affects it may have on your productivity and performanc in life as well as your health. When sleep is […]