Improve Your Quality of Sleep With Exercise
When tossing and turning becomes habitual and keeps you up at night, there are a few options you have before running to the medicine cabinet or the nearest drug store. Reevaluating your current habits and changing your behavioral ways will improve your sleep patterns, starting with exercise.
Believe it or not, tossing and turning is not a form of exercise. By regularly making exercise a priority during the day, you can lead yourself down the right path to increasing the quality of your sleeping habits.
The benefits of exercise and an active lifestyle are endless: Stress and anxiety reduction, lower risk of many life-threatening diseases, productivity and increasing the quality of your days. I am sure you are aware the profit you gain when you get enough sleep, and you are also familiar with the treacherous toll your body takes when don’t receive enough rest.
Research has proven that many insomnia-diagnosed individuals saw a drastic improvement in sleeping patterns just after a few weeks of regular exercise than those who remained sedentary. Those who noticed changes also experienced less anxiety and stress throughout the day.
To maximize the beneficial effects, it is important to properly time your exercise and sleep routine. A good workout can increase productivity, increase alertness, speed up your metabolism and energize you for the day ahead. However, performing activity less than 3 hours before hitting the hay can prevent a good night’s sleep. Exercising before bed interferes with your body temperature; body temperature rises during vigorous activity and takes as long as 6 hours to drop. Because cooler body temperatures are correlated with sleep onset, it is important to let your body cool off before you think about hopping into bed.
If one part of the body system undergoes some sort of deprivation, whether that be of food, energy, sleep, water… you’re likely to see the effects in other areas of your life. Sleep, nutrition and exercise are all linked. If the body lacks nourishment, it will lack performance during activity which effects whether you lose or gain weight, which then ties in to how you function on a daily basis.
Getting quality sleep each night is vital to operate with intention each day. To reap the benefits of a dreamy reward, commit to a healthy and active lifestyle and catch more zzz’s. Also, make sure your place of rest is a cozy one, all the way down to your mattress. If you are unsure if you are sleeping on the appropriate mattress to increase the nature of your slumber, come by Mattresses For Less where one of their friendly and knowledgable mattress experts can help find the perfect match for you. With thousands of trusted name-brands to chose from, and shipping available, you can make tonights sleep the best yet, with the start of a new lifestyle and a new mattress.