
The Many Uses of Memory Foam

Whenever it is mentioned that memory foam was designed by NASA, the image that seems to come to mind is an astronaut sleeping comfortably on a memory foam mattress while orbiting earth in a space station. But, upon some quick research, one will realize that the astronauts never slept on memory foam in space, but instead […]

by admin May 31, 2013

War on Dust Mites

Now that the seasons are once again changing, people waking up with stuffy sinuses and allergic symptoms are simply attributing them to the start of summer.  Although this could be part of the reason for these reactions, there could be a more sinister explanation. Dust mites are a major cause of allergic reactions in the home and […]

by admin May 28, 2013

The Importance of Sleep

We discussed last week how you can develop and sustain various sleep cycles that require less total time sleeping in order to maximize efficiency during the day. Although it is possible and theoretically practical to develop such polyphonic sleep cycles, is it really healthy to deprive your body of the amount of sleep provided by […]

by admin May 21, 2013

Getting the Most Out of Sleep

For most, sleep is a standard block of time, usually beginning in late evening and ending at some point in the morning, typically consisting of 6-10 continuous hours. This is indeed the norm but for certain people this is far from reality. There is something called Polyphasic sleep, a term coined by psychologist J.S. Szymanski, which […]

by admin May 17, 2013

Tips to Help You Sleep Better While Sick

We have been preaching here on our blog that the right amount of sleep, for anyone, can help you avoid various illnesses and ailments that can set in from lack of and poor sleeping habits. Getting enough sleep during cold and flu season can even help you avoid catching something and help you get over […]

by admin February 22, 2013

Physical and Mental Benefits of Sleep

We do it, or should be doing it, each night, but why? Why is it important? Why do we need it? Sleep. It plays such a vital role in our health and well-being and often times we overlook its importance and skip or shorten the time we should be resting. The way we feel, mental […]

by admin January 3, 2013