
Discovering Your Deprivation

It is not so much lack of sleep that has you tossing and turning at night, or bone-weary throughout the day. Rather, your brain activity has everything to do with your sleeping patterns, so first and foremost, one must learn to take back control of what’s been affecting you throughout all these perturbed nights. In fact, […]

by admin September 13, 2013

Is It Time To Replace Your Mattress?

So, you’re out of town on business and you check into your hotel. You’re tired from the long trip and in need of a good night’s sleep but it has been your experience that you just don’t sleep very well unless you’re at home. Regardless of this fact, you settle in for the night with […]

by admin July 23, 2013

The Evolution of the Mattress

When you look at the vast selection of mattresses available at a mattress store, you probably don’t think much of the variety since thats what you have come to expect. In this day and age we have gotten used to the innovations in mattress technology that make our beds so incredibly comfortable. We are so […]

by admin June 10, 2013

The Do’s and Don’ts of Going to Sleep

In the past we have discussed several different sleep disorders that are relatively common and usually prevent the victim from achieving a full and healthy night’s sleep. These conditions can clearly lead to stress, exhaustion, and a much more vulnerable immune system since your body needs sleep to function 100% properly. However, you don’t necessarily need […]

by admin June 7, 2013

The Many Uses of Memory Foam

Whenever it is mentioned that memory foam was designed by NASA, the image that seems to come to mind is an astronaut sleeping comfortably on a memory foam mattress while orbiting earth in a space station. But, upon some quick research, one will realize that the astronauts never slept on memory foam in space, but instead […]

by admin May 31, 2013

War on Dust Mites

Now that the seasons are once again changing, people waking up with stuffy sinuses and allergic symptoms are simply attributing them to the start of summer.  Although this could be part of the reason for these reactions, there could be a more sinister explanation. Dust mites are a major cause of allergic reactions in the home and […]

by admin May 28, 2013

The Importance of Sleep

We discussed last week how you can develop and sustain various sleep cycles that require less total time sleeping in order to maximize efficiency during the day. Although it is possible and theoretically practical to develop such polyphonic sleep cycles, is it really healthy to deprive your body of the amount of sleep provided by […]

by admin May 21, 2013

Getting the Most Out of Sleep

For most, sleep is a standard block of time, usually beginning in late evening and ending at some point in the morning, typically consisting of 6-10 continuous hours. This is indeed the norm but for certain people this is far from reality. There is something called Polyphasic sleep, a term coined by psychologist J.S. Szymanski, which […]

by admin May 17, 2013

The Best Mattress Size For You

Before selecting a type or certain make of mattress, it’s important to know which size of mattress is best for you. This can be easy to ignore; a lot of people are just accustomed to a certain mattress size because it’s what they’ve always slept on. Moving a size up or a size down could make all […]

by admin May 10, 2013

Selecting the perfect mattress for you

It comes as a shock to most people that more often than not, they are sleeping on the wrong mattress. They might have trouble falling asleep. They might feel pain in their backs, shoulders, or sides. Perhaps they cant stay awake during the day. This can be due to the fact that your mattresses comfort […]

by admin April 19, 2013