Sleepwalking is a sleep disorder that causes people to get up and walk or perform other activities while sleeping. Symptoms of sleepwalking disorder ranges from simply sitting up and looking around, to walking around, to leaving and even driving long distances. It is a common misconception that a sleepwalker should not be awakened. It is […]
Five Ways to Prevent Snoring
Regardless of how heavily you sleep, if your significant other has a snoring problem it is often very difficult to get a good nights sleep. According to the Vancouver Sleep and Breathing Center 59% of people claim that their partner snores. If you aren’t one of those people but often notice your partner is grumpy in […]
REM Sleep Behavior Disorder (RBD)
Last week we talked briefly about a condition known as REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD). This is a disorder characterized by a person physically acting out the dreams that they are having, with potentially dangerous results. Often when someone begins to show symptoms of this disorder they simply write it off as sleepwalking but there […]
Rapid Eye Movement (REM) Sleep (Part 2)
We started this two-part blog entry last week when we discussed how REM sleep occurs in you nightly sleep routine. This time we will be going into why the brain requires REM sleep and what makes it so important to our health. The true function of REM sleep is not fully understood as of yet […]
Rapid Eye Movement (REM) Sleep
We have mentioned in the past certain aspects regarding Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep but we have yet to properly explain what REM sleep really is and why it is truly important. Out of the stages of sleep, doctors and scientists agree that REM sleep is the most important. The questions we look to answer […]
4 Effective Natural Sleep Aides
For those of us who typically sleep on a regular schedule but every so often need that extra push to get to sleep, there are several options available that will help you fall into the sleep you desire. Over the counter drugs like NyQuil are sometimes a bit of an over-kill and it is at […]
Dealing with Sleepwalking
Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night in your kitchen, confused as to how you got there? If you are a person who often finds themselves in random locations with no recollection of getting there, as I’m sure you have already realized, you are probably a victim of sleepwalking. Depending on its frequency […]